Customer and product reviews are seamlessly integrated with Voracio Commerce.
Boost your sites exposure and user experience with our solid Trustpilot integration
Trustpilot is one of the brand leaders in the review sector. Displaying genuine reviews on your site that are trusted by Google is incredibly important for your conversion rates, it's almost a given that collecting and displaying reviews will see an uplift in your conversions. We are pleased to provide a robust, API based integration with Trustpilot.
Why we use the API based integration
When it comes to on-site reviews, most ecommerce agencies and the platform they choose to use, take the quick and easy solution to review display (but not the best). They'll choose from a selection of widgets and place them on the retailers website as appropriate. We go way beyond this approach, as a rule of thumb, if at all possible, we try to avoid the use of widgets as they are often resource hungry, cause display issues and are not in keeping with the design style of the merchants site.
With the API based approach, we fetch back the raw data for the reviews, we host that data ourselves meaning there's much more we can do with that data and we can show it to the user faster. The user experience is greatly increased as it allows us to do lots of clever things while maintaining full control of the design and layout.
Self hosted, standalone customer reviews page
This is a standard page with our Trustpilot API based integration, it's quite simple, but the important thing here is that we're hosting that data. Schema markup is used on the page, meaning it's much better for SEO than using a widget. Admin responses are displayed within the customer review where appropriate and we also give the merchant control over which reviews are shown on this page, so if you like, you can simply feature your best reviews. The page keeps itself updated on a daily basis. We can also handle multiple review providers, such as Trustpilot and eKomi customer reviews displayed on the same page, in the same style.

Custom styled dynamic review banners
For some of our merchants, we've designed a completely customised display banner that features customer review data, this feeds through to the main reviews page, which also then links through to the review source page.

Product reviews on product listing and product pages
Product reviews again don't require a widget, we use the raw data that we've already fetched by the API, this is faster, less resource heavy and allows us to style exactly as we want. Star ratings and a link to the reviews are neatly shown on product listings. Product detail pages show the reviews with a great user experience. All self hosted with schema data for optimum SEO value.

Filter and sorting products by review ratings
Again as we hold the raw review data, we enhance the user experience on the listing pages. It's easy to configure your listing pages with review filters, so the user can quickly filter the listings based on review scores and counts. Reviews can also be used within the page's sorting options, so if you like, you could allow the user to sort/order the page from highest rated to lowest rated.