Our clients regard us as an extension of their own team. Having a deep understanding of ecommerce, we provide guidance to enrich their e-commerce journey.
We’re extremely invested in our clients' success. Our consultancy services cut through the industry noise and hype - providing transparent, valuable insights that play a fundamental role throughout the life cycle of our clients.
Our most successful clients have leveraged the capabilities of our platform, they have been proactive with our platform consultancy whereby we have helped them to get the best out of our advanced features. Coinciding with this has been their approach to navigating what is an increasingly complex ecommerce ecosystem by engaging with ecommerce consultancy, be that from ourselves or with the help of an external consultant.
The experience of our clients when working with an independent ecommerce consultant has been somewhat mixed. The eCommerce industry is awash with consultants, growth experts, business development consultants (the list goes on) and although there are certainly knowledgeable and trustworthy consultants out there, we strongly advise caution when choosing one to work with. More on this further down the page, but let's first take a look at our in-house consultancy services.
At the top level, our strategy and consulting services fall into two core sections, platform consultancy and ecommerce consultancy.
Platform consultancy
You’re now onboard and sitting comfortably in the driving seat.
With an abundance of high grade ecommerce features at your fingertips, we're here to help. The intricacies of our platform are what makes it shine and we want to help you drive it to its maximum potential. Whether we’ve re-platformed you from another ecommerce provider or helped you start a new business from the ground up, we want to help you make the best use of our powerful platform features.
A supercar is an evolving product, designed and engineered to achieve exceptional performance, speed and handling. Similarly, Voracio is highly capable of delivering impressive results, a product that is being constantly improved and refined as we adapt with the ecommerce landscape. Sure, any competent person can learn to drive a supercar around a race track, but only those who have truly honed their skills and leveraged their supporting team are primed to dominate racing seasons. Voracio are your supporting team and our strategic platform consultancy is your direct line to understanding and actioning our platforms advanced capabilities, helping you achieve premium results.
Here are just some of the ways we’ve helped our clients with how to better use our platform
Product page content and feature use audit with pro insights
Product catalogue data architecture, how to organise your data
Improve efficiency and user experience through better use of attributes
Building informative and user friendly attribute sets
Concepts behind using private attribute groups
Add attribute and other data en masse, at speed, with our bulk processing module
Considerations of user browsing experience vs search engine optimisation when building listings
How to build killer landing pages with competition beating UX and SEO value
Study of what features might not being used to their potential
Advanced configuration of delivery rules
Make better use of our ‘smart targeting’ features
In depth search engine optimisation strategies relating to site structuring
Best practice usage of the Voracio Editorial Suite to compliment your content strategy
How to distribute SEO focussed content throughout the site
Advanced assistance with site navigation build
Effective user of our large choice of banner types and their grid structures
When to consider textual banners over pure image banners with search engine considerations
Identifying opportunities for optimisation
Advanced configuration of facet filtering, hitting the right balance
Optimising product content for Google Shopping
Linking Voracio attributes to Google custom labels
Art direction and the impact on the user experience
The support from Voracio has been second to none, they are quite literally an extension of our team.
Ecommerce consultancy

Confidence is cultivated only through practice and experience.
Our transparent, open minded approach and proven track record gives you the confidence that we will always strive to ensure you make the right decisions that are best for your business. External consultants often only provide short-term input, overpromising and under delivering, more on this later. As your platform provider, we always have your best interest at heart, we need your website to be successful, it is in our best interest to provide you with honest, clear cut advice. The ecommerce ecosphere can be challenging to navigate, as you evolve and mature, strategic business decisions can become increasingly complex and have a larger impact on your business, we are here to help guide you so you can make the right decisions and avoid costly mistakes:
Here are a few examples of how we've assisted our clients
How to distribute an inbound marketing budget
True cost of ownership, understanding the benefits of SaaS
Content/SEO strategy advice and planning
Exploring the realities of performance optimisation
Technical scoping of bespoke development
Advice on paid media agency selection
In-house vs agency marketing services, setting your expectations
Affiliate marketing advice and platform selection
Pros and cons of website personalisation and on-site marketing platforms
Advice for advanced search and platform selection
Advice for your internal team development
Assistance with other technical aspects such as email, hardware
PCI, GDPR & Privacy
Back office processes
Stock control & POS integrations
Warehouse management
Pricing psychology considerations
Other 3rd party platform addon services selection
Inside knowledge of the SEO, CRO & competitor analysis tools used by consultants
How to exercise due diligence when considering an external consultant
A word of caution
In respect to consultants, here is our word of caution. The ecommerce industry is saturated with ecommerce consultants, growth experts, business development consultants and the like. While there are indeed knowledgeable and trustworthy consultants out there, it’s very important to do your due diligence when choosing one to work with. Based upon our experience and that of our clients over the years and in recent times, here are a few reasons to apply diligence:
Lack of knowledge or expertise
It’s all too easy for a person with some form of experience working on websites to position themselves as a ‘consultant’. Some consultants however may have very limited experience in certain areas of ecommerce and quickly become out of their depth. The latest in best practices and a true understanding of actionable insights may be beyond their skillset, resulting in ineffective advice.
Lack of transparency and conflict of interest
Many consultants will claim to be impartial, yet the reality may be far from the truth. Some may be biassed towards their own skill-sets and experience, steering you toward technologies and/or services that are familiar and financially beneficial to them, yet may not be the best fit for your business, potentially costing you dearly in the long run. Be aware of self-serving recommendations.
Over promising and under delivering
This is the most common problem and of course not just within the ecommerce sector. Some consultants can make big promises about the results their advice can achieve, yet delivering on those promises is a different story. Relatively speaking, consultants are hired for the short term, having taken their fees long before any quantifiable benefits can be seen.
To conclude
We’ve worked with some great consultants over the years (at a commensurate price point to their worth), however on the flip side we’ve encountered some highly inadequate ones. This is why it’s important to thoroughly vet any potential consultant before hiring them and to communicate your expectations clearly. You should seek references and case studies from previous businesses they have worked with to help you understand their track record when working with a business similar to yours. It's important they have a realistic understanding of what can be accomplished within your budget and that they are the right fit for you.
We can help you separate the wheat from the chaff, identifying potential pitfalls given our experience (and that of our clients) who have commissioned consultants over the years. Being on our platform, we are with you for the long term, every step of the way offering our guidance and assistance to help you succeed for the long term.